Since my uni days, I used to dedicate the last night before exams or screenings to relaxation. Did I not prepare? I did, but I meticulously planned my time and had a specific action plan that helped me stay on track. This continues to be my approach to this day.
I've been involved in various roles in the video industry for 5 years now, but at the very beginning, I wouldn't have thought about how crucial the preparation process is. Working on international YouTube projects and later TV commercials, the phrase PPM - pre-production meeting, became a personal mantra. Sometimes during these meetings, we would discuss various significant aspects for hours.
Starting to work independently, it's clear that I no longer work with a team of 40 people (for now), but I've retained the same work methods. Although it might be tempting to simply receive an order via email or phone, specify where to send the advertised production, and start capturing it during the event/filming process, there are certain unforeseen difficulties that arise, for example:
Lack of a planned narrative, resulting in only capturing beautiful shots, but in the editing process, those shots become a real headache.
Not discussing the models' clothing, so their own choices stand out of context.
Not deciding on the style and pace to be used in the final result: slow/fast, filming style, colors.
Distribution - format, duration, social channels, audio track...
I could list difficulties depending on different orders endlessly. And now, try to imagine how complex the filming process becomes when arriving at a location, where instead of creative filming, you have to figure out how to persuade security to let you into the location with a camera, or you have to rush to the nearest mall to buy tomato salads for filming.
I love the dynamics of life, but I don't get along with uncontrollable chaos. There are no two people who think identically, and that's what makes this life insanely beautiful and interesting. In such cases, effective communication is the key, in order to understand each other completely!